Sorry friends, I have been MIA for the past few days. It's difficult when family issues, and job issues, and school issues all start to pile up at this time. Sometimes I wonder how people handle it all. But then I remember that someone once told me that God never gives us anything we can't handle...then I just proceed on. Or I am attempting to!
I have to say, that I have found in 2012, random acts of kindness have definitely come my way. It's little things. One of my favorite baristas yesterday told me today that someone left their punch card all punched for a free drink, but the girl was rude to him. She never came back for it. He said that he wanted to save it for someone who deserved a free drink. Guess who was so lucky?
I also received over the weekend, all simultaneously, over twenty five text messages of from a group of friends telling me that they care about that me and everything is going to be alright. Just because!
Between people offering to walk me home, offering me rides to places or allowing me to just vent, I've realized that these people are offering random acts of kindness.
No one is required to help, but when it is randomly offered, the action means that much more.
I am so moved when people randomly offer to help, whether it is the biggest or smallest act. I am striving to pay it forward as well.
Whether it is a note just to say hi, bringing a plate of cookies, helping carry a heavy load, loading your bags at the grocery store, a long phone call for no reason at all...
or my personal favorite, just a big smile and a positive attitude. Who doesn't ever need that!
To me, those random acts are the things that I always remember about a person.
How about you? Have you had many random acts of kindness lately? Or have you acted randomly? (It's ok to say that you have!)
Happy Wednesday! I hope you're all getting through the week well!