Monday, March 12, 2012

Weekend Highlight: so relaxed

This weekend was a wonderful, relaxing one. My brother was home, and since he won't be around for St. Patrick's Day next week, we had corned beef and soda bread today. I might make it this time this week (and if I do, I'll share the recipe!). It was such a good meal and it was so good to spend some time.

We also watched a lot of movies! My sister and I saw The Artist. I absolutely loved it and I definitely recommend it if you haven't seen it yet. I immediately bought the soundtrack and have been addicted to it all weekend. I think this guy steals the show. Have you seen Uggie? Cutest dog ever. He could've won the Oscar!
both images via google
We also rewatched The Help and The King's Speech. I absolutely love both of them and it was nice to just sit back and watch some movies!

I also watched Smash. Yes, I know. But I'm hooked! I'm completely caught up and I want to see what's next for it. Of course tonight Ben will pick his fiancé. I'm hoping that all the tabloids will be completely wrong and he'll end up picking Lindzi. But I think I'm probably wrong. Thoughts?

What were you up to this past weekend? I hope you had relaxing ones!

I hope you have a great start to your Mondays!



  1. i've really been wanting to see The're convincing me to go ahead and go! xo

  2. I've seen the King's Speech and thought it was amazing! I have been meaning to watch The Help for ages now... must do that soon and I definitely recommend the book, if you've not read it :) xx

  3. Ooh this is in our queue. Just watched Midnight in Paris and adored it!!! xo


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