Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thursday Thoughts: Best is yet to Come!

source: my Pinterest

So the first time I saw this, I immediately thought of the Michael Bublé song! Shows where my head was! I had no idea this was in the bible.

But I really believe that the best is yet to come for all of us. As I pile through papers, projects and job search stresses, I can't help but think that the best really is yet to come. I have this whole new chapter ahead of me, and though it's a bit scary, I think it's pretty fantastic.

I really think we all have new chapters in our lives, we just never know when they start or when they're coming. They just happen and we can never prepare ourselves. We just have to trust.

If you're going through a rough rut of a week, start to the month, or even if this year for you has been rough, please believe me that the best is yet to come when you least expect it. I honestly think that you'll surprise yourself when something amazing happens and you just remember "Aha! The best was yet to come!" Well maybe not Aha, but you know, maybe I'm channeling Oprah a bit today!

For me, I'm looking forward to heading home today and spending a good ten days with family. I get to see my brother for the first time since Christmas! I think it's going to be a great productive week with a bit lots of R&R. I can't wait.

I hope you have lovely Thursdays!



  1. I needed this today, Susan! Thank you for posting about it. I'm definitely in a rut with work, so it's been hard to stay motivated. Thanks for reminding me that it will get better and we all go through these things!

    Keep Shining,

  2. That's lovely that you get to see your brother! Have a wonderful time! x

  3. I'm not having the best week so this was so needed today! Thank you! Enjoy your time with your family!!!

  4. Amen! I've been discovering that sometimes it's all about attitude and just learning to see things in the most positive light possible. It's not always easy, but it makes a difference. Hope you are having a wonderful time with your family and getting that needed R&R!

  5. I love this quote & think it's sooo powerful & really makes you stop to think. And it is especially fabulous when you're having a rough time. Or even when you're having a great time. I especially love it because I think being in a relationship it's so important to be positive & know that it's just going to get better :)


Thanks for your sweet comments! They make my day and I appreciate every one!