Monday, April 9, 2012

Weekend Highlight: sweetness

This weekend was just all around pretty sweet! My beautiful friend put on a gorgeous recital, Ellen, Cody, his friend and I went out on Friday night, and I was so dead tired!

We spent Saturday visiting Ellen hard at work at J.Crew (can I still say I'm insanely jealous of her employee discount?!) and I enjoyed my first episode of Downton Abbey (ok, more about that later this week, because I'm obsessed!)

We had a lovely Easter Sunday! I love indulging in a few too many sweet treats! My gran made a delicious lemon meringue pie and we all sat around and were hooked with the Masters! Before I left she made sure to gift me a little bit of sweetness for the week (or two weeks if I can. We'll see how much self-control I have!). I have to say, I love a bit of Easter leftovers! And I love all of these pastel colors! They're so gorgeous!

Hoe you all had lovely Easter/Passover holidays! How'd you spend yours?

Here's to a great week ahead!



  1. yummy! love your blog :) would love for you to enter my giveaway!


  2. Sounds like a lovely weekend! Nothing like discounts and food. Ha! Great combo! x

  3. I don't know what it is, but there is something about the Easter m&m's, especially the peanut butter ones, that makes them taste so much better!!!! It's probably in my head but still....

  4. I could not stop eating those delicious Easter egg candies this week. It's horrible lol. Hope you had a great Easter!xx


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