Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February Song

Happy February friends! I seriously thought that it wouldn't come (ok I take that back, January actually went by quite quick, don't you think?) With these most bizarre winter that we have going on here in the midwest, I don't know what I am lusting more for: the winter we didn't have a lot of or the spring that we are seeming to have (sort of!)? But I love this month of love! I do!

I need to start on my Valentine cards! I love making them homemade because, not only is it fun but it's also special. Valentine desserts are also one of my favorite parts of the holiday, as well as the half price candy at Walgreens the next day! (ok, for those of us who do not have Valentines, like me, this is actually very exciting!)

Here's some inspiration that I have been seeing for this beautiful month we call February:


And of course, I wanted to leave you with my favorite, Mr. Josh Groban singing February song. Gotta love it all! Hope you're having a great start to your February!

Happy February everyone!


  1. We've been having the same kind of weather, I think it's supposed to be 70 this week! Crazy! I need to start my valentines cards this weekend too!

  2. Gorgeous photos Susan, love number 4! :)


Thanks for your sweet comments! They make my day and I appreciate every one!