Monday, September 12, 2011

7 Blessings

I got my layers re-done! Sorry for the photobooth photo. Kinda awkward!
  1. Fondue with friends. Mmmmmm!!! I am rarely seeing people during the week and Friday night was great catch up time, and the fondue helped!
  2. Freshly baked cookies to enjoy with my morning coffee. Yummm!
  3. Wonderful piano lessons. Man I missed them. I always have lots to work on, but I'm finally feeling like my hard work is pulling off!
  4. Beautiful 9/11 prayer services. I was brought to tears several times. When the 10 bells went off at 9:03 I just about lost it. The music was beautiful and the readings brought me to tears. Everyone present really was able to reflect and remember.
  5. I got a new haircut! I love, love love it! I seriously haven't had bangs since age eight. Really. It's been awhile. I'm having lots of fun with it! (excuse my photobooth picture!) Also it looks completely different when it's not straight, which I still like!
  6. Finally being able to relax and watch TV. I watched more TV this weekend than I have in a month, it was fantastic! Gotta love those Cake Boss Marathons while multitasking writing up lesson plans.
  7. Final summer BBQ of the summer. This was probably going to be my last one that we had yesterday and it was delish! Great group of people and good food, there's nothing better!
Here's to a great week coming up! I pretty much have organized me week to a T, so because of this I'm thinking it's going to go by really fast! Here's hoping! Have lovely Mondays everybody!


  1. CUTE Haircut! And freshly baked cookies with coffee for breakfast? I think as long as they are homemade they still fit in with my challenge right? :)

  2. Umm absolutely! haha yes for sure!! Hope the challenge is treating you well!

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